share your generosity have an attitude of gratitude

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:6-7

You can give securely on-line using a credit/debit card or set up an automatic
one-time or recurring ACH draft donation.

To give via PushPay at our Midtown or Southwind
campuses click the links below.

Give through Cashapp by selecting the link below, or by searching "$MississippiBLVD" in the Cashapp Application on your mobile device.


Please provide your FULL name and cash category (Ex. John Henry Smith - Tithe) in ALL your CashApp donations to help ensure your donations are properly recorded.

You can text donations by texting BLVD 100
(dollar amount without the $)
to 45777 to donate $100

You can also mail your donations to:
Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church

70 N. Bellevue Blvd.

Memphis, TN 38104


  • Spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Transform Lives for the Next Generation
  • Heal broken relationships
  • Financial support various local, national and overseas charities
Feed the elderly homeless people with over 258,000 meals
Provide 1,300 families and teachers with “Back to School” supplies
Bless 500 needy children & youth with Christmas gifts
Provide over $100,000 in youth and adult scholarships
Provide performing arts camp, vacation Bible school and Spring and Fall festivals for youth and children
Host free financial management programs for members and the community
Provide free emergency utilities and rent assistance for people in need
Host free girls’ mentoring and social justice programs


Your gift helps us model the life and actions of Christ through our ministries. Thank you for supporting The BLVD so our work will continue to have an impact in Memphis and beyond.

To give via PushPay at our Midtown or Southwind campuses click the links below.

Give through Paypal by selecting the link below.

Give through Cashapp by selecting the link below, or by searching "$MississippiBLVD" in the Cashapp Application on your mobile device.

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